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Warning for drivers of 4x4 and SUV vehicles after spate of thefts

A new warning has gone out to the owners of 4x4 and SUV vehicles after a spate of thefts across Bedfordshire.

It is believed that the vehicles including Land Rovers, Range Rovers, Toyota Hiluxs, Rav 4s and Jaguars are being targeted and stolen for export. More than 20 have been taken in the past three weeks, often after break-ins.

In some cases officers believe vehicles have been followed by the thieves to see where they are kept overnight.

Now owners are being warned to take extra precautions particularly around where they keep the keys to their cars and to report any behaviour that seems suspicious.

Detective Sergeant Greg Davenport of Bedfordshire Police’s Intelligence Bureau said: “In a number of these cases thieves have broken into homes late at night. They will search for keys on shelves and in pockets and bags and then steal the cars.

“Our advice is that, if you own a vehicle like this, make sure that your car keys are concealed when you get home, ideally in a Faraday case which blocks the keys’ signal preventing keyless thefts by criminals using electronic devices.”

Any extra security such as steering locks or immobilisers may help deter thieves, along with lockable covers for diagnostic ports on newer models.

The thefts have been mainly targeted in central and south Bedfordshire including Luton, Dunstable, Leighton Buzzard, Toddington and Ampthill. But there have been incidents which may be connected further north in the county, including Marston Moretaine.

Detectives are asking owners to be on their guard and report anything suspicious.

“In one case, we believe a vehicle was followed by an e-scooter to identify the location where it was kept,” said Sgt Davenport. "But we would also ask owners to be aware of things like people knocking at the door or asking questions.

“We can use any information to build an intelligence picture about these criminals which helps inform our operations which are continuing.”

If you see any suspicious activity please report it on 101 or online.

View more advice on keeping your car safe 

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Message Sent By
Andrea Hulett
(Bedfordshire Police, Digital Communications Lead, Bedfordshire)

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