Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
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What do you want to see in Bedfordshire's Police and Crime Plan?

Only 2 more days to have your say!

Have your say!

Now is your chance as a Bedfordshire resident to have your say on the objectives of the Police and Crime Commissioner for the next four years! John Tizard, PCC for Bedfordshire, is committed to working alongside Bedfordshire Police and all its partners within the criminal justice system to show a zero tolerance of crime and provide a safer and fairer Bedfordshire. 


This includes improving policing, reforming a broken criminal justice system, protecting victims, and addressing the social and economic causes of crime in Bedfordshire. In his consultation, the PCC has listed his objectives for the first year of his term as short-term goals, then his longer-term commitments through to 2028. 


But he needs your help to confirm that his objectives are what residents of the county feel are appropriate. 


He says: "I very much look forward to hearing your views and ideas over the next few weeks before I finalise my Police and Crime Plan, to begin to make our county safer and fairer." 


You can read the full list of the Police and Crime Commissioners core objectives on our website here: https://www.bedfordshire.pcc.police.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Police-and-Crime-Plan-Core-Objectives-for-Consultation.pdf 


Click on the link to fill out the five-minute survey: https://orlo.uk/a63MU 


The survey will be open until 23 August 2024.

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Message Sent By
Bethany Coles
(OPCC, Compliance Officer, Bedfordshire)

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