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Partners promise action on the launch of refreshed road safety strategy

Partners who form the Bedfordshire Road Safety Partnership (BRSP) gathered at the council offices in Chicksands this month and pledged their commitment to working together to improve the safety of Bedfordshire’s roads for all users.

The refreshed road safety strategy, which is set to 2035, focuses on a long-term ambition to achieve ‘Vision Zero’, where nobody is killed or seriously injured on the roads of Bedfordshire; with an interim target of reducing current numbers by 50 per cent.

The partnership commissioned the services of UK leading road safety experts, Agilysis, and after a period of review, the new strategy has been launched with a commitment from all agencies to take collective responsibility to work towards all five areas of the Safe Systems principles. Work will focus on safe speeds, safe vehicles, safe roads and roadsides, safe road users and post-crash response.

More than 1,500 respondents engaged with a public consultation and online survey carried out as part of the partnership review. Road safety was the highest issue highlighted for action, and priority areas voted on by the respondents included improving safety on the roads, road maintenance, speeding, police enforcement and tackling anti-social behaviour.  

Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service (BFRS) brought the recently launched Vision Van to the event, a road safety vehicle jointly funded by the BRSP and Office of Police and Crime Commissioner which utilises virtual reality to engage and educate young people. 

This new tool available to the partnership aims to show drivers the impact of their actions and is being used at community events and in schools and colleges. The aim is to make a lasting change to the behaviour of road users by using innovation to provide an immersive experience that allows young people to witness the consequences of distracted driving. 

The launch of the strategy heard the commitments of all partners to deliver the vision to 2035 and concluded with some words from Road Victim Trust Chair of Trustees, Lyn Hesse, who outlined the support the charity provides to anyone affected by a fatal collision. 

Actions and activity already being undertaken are:

  • Central Bedfordshire Council devising a road safety plan based on data with the appointment of a new data analyst to better target resources and give the best response

  • Training in school and colleges – delivery of the MORE course aimed at 16-30 year olds

  • Virtual reality: launch of the Vision VR and purchase of VR headset to use as part of education 

  • Campaigns with local businesses 

  • Community Speed Watch initiatives

  • Luton Borough Council vehicle safety days with local residents and business colleagues to deliver a hands on experience and make vehicles safer

  • Launch of PolEd

  • Police enforcement: seizing mopeds causing anti-social behaviour using Section 59

  • Project Apex and Bike Safe workshops targeted a motorcyclists  

  • Site assessments for fatal collisions to understand and identify any issues with the roads

  • View the full article along with Partner commitments

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    Andrea Hulett
    (Bedfordshire Police, Digital Communications Lead, Bedfordshire)

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